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Featured Stories — Level Up! BU-ITI Brings Leading IT Experts to Share Success Secrets
Level Up! BU-ITI Brings Leading IT Experts to Share Success Secrets
School of Information Technology and Innovation enhances students' knowledge and skills through real-world experiences shared by external experts, bridging the gap between classroom theory and professional practice through success stories, challenges, and practical problem-solving approaches

Cybertron Company delivered a lecture on Cybersecurity, featuring distinguished speakers Mr. Napat Arunthana (CEO) and Mr. Karan Tonmaitong (COO).

Students gained valuable insights into cybersecurity's importance in the digital era, career paths, certification opportunities, continuous learning strategies, community engagement, and new perspectives on online threat prevention.

The School collaborated with Computer Union Co., Ltd. to organize the "CUxBU: Make Computing Smarter using Altos Computing" project.

Students engaged in hands-on workshops guided by Mr. Noppadol Athikomkulchai, Senior Solution Manager, and his team, alongside academic enrichment activities.

A special workshop by SynergyLabs ICP Hub Thailand introduced students to Blockchain Technology and Motoko programming.

Mr. Jacques Democrate, Blockchain Expert, CEO of DEMO CORPORATION, and Co-Founder of SynergyLabs ICP Hub Thailand, shared valuable knowledge covering:
- Fundamental knowledge about ICP Blockchain
- Blockchain technology principles and operations
- Distinctive features of ICP Blockchain compared to others
- Decentralized systems in ICP Blockchain and applications
- Introduction to Motoko programming language
- Website creation on ICP Blockchain

Following the workshop, students received the opportunity to participate in an international competition - the ICP Hacker House 2024 Hackathon.
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