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School of Humanities and Tourism Management — Featured Stories — Tourism Business Masterclass: Learning to Build a Tourism Business from Professionals
Tourism Business Masterclass: Learning to Build a Tourism Business from Professionals

Hotel Management Program, School of Humanities and Tourism Management, organized a workshop titled "Tourism Business Masterclass: From Concept to Establishing a Travel Company" with the honor of hosting K. Aditep Iengphasuk, Co-Founder & Managing Director of Dream Destinations Tour Company and Unique Inter Company, who provided knowledge on establishing tour companies, creating tourism business plans, and sharing tourism industry work experiences. The speaker assigned a Tourism Business Plan challenge to students in the course TM372: Tour Planning Organizing and Operations for Inbound and Outbound Tourism, and personally evaluated and provided recommendations for 18 student projects to help develop viable business plans for future implementation.

Students learned and understood the principles and methods of designing tourism business plans that align with market demands and professional standards. They developed the ability to analyze and manage tourism efficiently, following professional ethics, while also cultivating essential entrepreneurial skills and preparing themselves to work professionally in the tourism industry.

This activity was under the responsibility of Ajarn Atchara Srilachai and Ajarn Pongsavake Anekjumnongporn, a Instructor in the Tourism Management Department, School of Humanities and Tourism Management.